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YA Audiobook for You, Awesome Voice Narrator & Alateen Reality Check

Woo! I'm cranking now to catch up with what's been happening!

In case you didn't know, BLUES HARP GREEN is now available in audiobook. And in case you were wondering, BHG is my YA contemporary novel about growing up, dealing with anxiety and family alcoholism and finding hope in imperfection. There's romance and tennis in there too, but really, what I've heard from readers is that this is not a fun romance, it's a reality check on what it's really like to live with someone struggling with alcoholism and depression. The main character, Francie Mills, really struggles a lot, desperately trying to understand and find a solution. It's not fun for her. The book also offers insight on some possible ways of getting help if you're a teen (or adult) in this situation. That was my goal: To connect with people (teens & adults!) who either are or were in this situation and to offer insight for people who have never lived with active alcoholism and depression. Phew. Heavy. The next YA book will be a comedy!

For the audiobook, we had the honor of working with the amazing Amelia Clover who brought even more reality to the flood of emotions experienced by main character Francie. I'd say she nailed it! Click here to see her reading an excerpt at the book launch at the Westside Comedy Theater in Santa Monica. Thank you, Amelia!

You can grab a copy of the audiobook at Audible or iTunes. Also, I have a few free downloads first-come-first served if you want to send me a note from the Contact Us page.

Amelia Clover reads from Blues Harp Green at book launch at Westside Comedy Theater, Santa Monica

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