Join our fab YA book scavenger hunt! Win books & find new favorite authors, June 1 - 7th
I am so excited to be a part of this super fun way to start to a totally bookish summer! Go to the map at YA SHELF and find out how to get book treasures! Authors will be doing all kind of giveaways. And I will be too! Sign up on my homepage June 1 to 7 for my sporadic newsletter of all things bookish and be entered to win a free signed paperback of Blues Harp Green!
Here's what you have to look forward to as you kick off your summer: The Alliance of Young Adult Authors is sponsoring a massive young adult scavenger hunt. This is a chance to meet some new authors, grab a bunch of free books, and sign up to win a whole bunch of epic prizes! For example, the main prize is a $500 gift card! Check it out (and ignore my weird numbering below. Use the map to find the treasure but you can click the links in the post to see these fab authors!)
Each author will be given a special keyword, which will be bolded and all caps like this: BUTTERFLIES. All you have to do is visit all the author's sites in this order, write down the special keywords to discover the short story, then enter the giveaway with the completed secret "ya-summer-scavenger-hunt" here: ​ >>Enter Secret Legend to Win the Grand Prize<<
There will be one main giveaway for the main prize, but most of the participating authors will also have smaller giveaways for free books, amazon credit and author swag, so make sure you read their post carefully to see what else they're offering while you're on their site for the keyword.
THE MAP (participating authors) (this is the part where you ignore my numbering...from 100 on.) or CLICK HERE TO GO TO THE MAP AND SEE THIS LIST WITH NORMAL NUMBERS :) ) Don't ask :)
Sally Henson 119
A.L. Knorr 121
Bianca Scardoni 136
Authors will post the rules and the full list of participating authors sometime in June, and have their post up and visible on their site/blog, with their keyword, by June 1st. Readers just need to go through the list, find the words, and use the story to enter for the grand prize.